Our organization is based on the willingness of volunteers. The actions that you take now will not only impact your own life, but the lives of every future generation. Every contribution counts!

There are a couple things you can do that can help us win the fight for freedom and democracy:

Sponsoring: to keep our organisation running smoothly, we are in need of funds to cover our basic costs. Only through the goodwill and support of our volunteers, sympathisers and sponsors can we make our events into a big success!

If you want to support our cause financially, you can do this by international bank transfer: IBAN BE44 6718 0766 7945 / BIC EURBBE99 or via our gofundmecampaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/million-march-ii

Promo material: Of course there is always our promo material. We offer this material in different languages, such as English, French and German. By handing out flyers and/or stickers, you can help spread our message. The more people join our organization, the stronger we are.

If you want to order or download the promo material, click on the button below:

✘ Steward on events: To guarantee that the events runs as smoothly as possible, we always need more stewards!

If you want to register as a steward, click on the button below.

✘Translators: Do you want to help us translate our message, so we can reach as many people as possible?
Send an email to info@europeansunited.eu
Make sure to include which languages you speak and which languages you can translate to.